For the priests of old, there was no rest,
They labored with only earthly lamb.
But when Jesus came, as the Lamb of God,
Thank God! The High Priest sat down.
A Brother Pastor was sent, to our flock with the word;
Our Pastor moderated well, I surmise.
But when his part was done, for the rest of the time,
From his seat he did not arise!
Upon reflection of this, I think I can see,
That which our Pastor meant to be seen.
The Lord is our Shepherd, and he but a saint,
Who needed to be washed and made clean! ( Eph. 5:26 )
In one way of thought, it matters not at all
Through whom the descending word is lowered.
For it’s only the Lord can make effectual the word,
And He can do that through rooster, or gourd! ( Mt. 26:74; Jonah 4;9 )
Pastor wanted us to see, and know this for sure,
‘Tis the Sovereign whose word doth astound.
So with the service begun, he got out of the way,
And we watched our Pastor sit down!
He well presented the evangelist, set honor on all preachers,
Promoted them to everyone ’round.
He asked the church for their prayers; to openly reveal all their cares,
But after that, our Pastor sat down!
There must be somewhat of peace, for a man to release,
His flock and pulpit to another crown!
Reducing himself to a saint like the rest,
We saw our Pastor sit down!
I thought that one day, mediation having finished it’s way,
The ” clergy ” having turned in it’s gown;
I hope I can be within sight of my guide,
And see Pastor eternally sit down!
I think I must practice what I’ve seen in this matter;
For one day my own life shall cease.
I’ll turn over my life, my kids and my wife,
Possessing nought that Christ might fully increase!
Gene Breed