The Greatest Joy
When Zion’s hill shall be my home,
And all God’s sheep are in;
And types and shadows passed away
And God is all again;
And mystery shall be no more
And faith has filled it’s goal,
And revelation is supreme
And reality’s in control;
Then all these surmises, doubts and fears
Shall finally be laid aside;
With needful evils and useful sin (Rom 4:20-21)
For righteousness only shall abide.
No more Satan as angel of light.
No need for affliction or harm.
No unequal yoke to pressure us;
For all wheat shall be in the barn.
The chaff that once enfolded the wheat,
The wind shall drive away.
For all the precious seed are in,
And in, for an eternal day.
And yet I think the greatest joy
That shall exist that day,
Shall be when “Isaac” receives his bride,
And welcomes her home to stay.
And so Lord Jesus, amid these sorrow filled days,
Let my mind to you ascend,
And realize what it shall mean to you
When that wedding feast begins.
Let me not to my own self look
But upon you let me gaze
And from these miry pits of shame
Let my heart be raised.
Let me sing sweet Moses’ song
‘Our Lord is a man of war.’
So let the spoils be to his glory
Henceforth and ever more!
Gene Breed Nov 4, 1981