“add…to godliness brotherly kindness:..”
Before afflictions, I went far afield,
From an understanding way.
Prejudices and a legal heart,
Were that which ruled my day.
But when one day, the Holy Ghost said,
It was my appointed time,
To enter fiery trials alone,
It made me far more kind.
I have questioned my faithful brothers,
Concerning walking in God’s plan,
I questioned their wisdom then,
But now I understand.
For I had to seek from my dear Lord
Help in my trials grim.
I needed patience with my weakness.
I needed understanding from Him.
He gave me help for my distress.
But added this lesson grand;
When others wage the soul’s warfare;
Always try to understand!
Let all who wish to walk with God,
Work out with trembling and fear;
Salvation’s in’s and out’s for themselves,
The Lord will make it clear.
My portion to those in such a fight,
Is simply to understand.
To wipe a brow, to say a prayer;
And offer a helping hand.
Bro. Gene.